Daily Devotional

Good Morning Everyone!

“Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.”
     Proverbs 17:9

Words can cut straight to the heart of our relationships. How often do we let small offenses grow into walls between us and those we care about?
It's so easy to fixate on others' faults, isn't it? That coworker who always interrupts, the friend who's chronically late, the family member who never seems to listen. Our first instinct might be to vent or gossip. But gossip is like a boomerang - it might feel good in the moment, but it always comes back to hurt us.
When we dwell on others' faults, we're letting them control our emotions and conversations, focusing on negativity instead of the blessings in our own lives. What if we saw these moments as opportunities instead of obstacles? Opportunities to exercise grace, to choose love over criticism.
This doesn't mean ignoring serious issues; it's about consciously deciding not to let minor faults overshadow the whole person. When we forgive, we're not just benefiting others - we're freeing ourselves. We're creating space for joy, for deeper connections, for love to truly flourish.
It's a choice we make, moment by moment, to see people as God sees them: worthy of grace, capable of growth. Today, let's challenge ourselves to be agents of forgiveness. The love we nurture might just transform our relationships - and ourselves - in ways we never expected.

Father God,
I know I'm not perfect, and neither are the people around me. It's easy to get caught up in their flaws and let frustration build up. But I don't want to let those little things create walls between us.
Help me to see them the way You do - with compassion and understanding. Soften my heart, Lord. Make me quick to forgive, just like You forgive me.
I want my relationships to flourish, not be weighed down by bitterness. Help me let go and choose grace, so Your love can shine through me and bring us all closer.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen